CTSI congratulates poster competition winners of UCLA' s mitochondria symposium

CTSI co-sponsored the annual UCLA Mitochondria Symposium on November 2, 2018. The event, co-hosted by the UCLA DGSOM Metabolism Theme, brought together professionals from academia and industry to discuss exciting research involving mitochondria. A networking lunch, poster session, and career development workshop were included in the day-long symposium for the 237 attendees.
CTSI sponsored the poster session competition and the top three presenters received awards. Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars were eligible to present. Below are the awardees.
- First Place
Hydari Begum (graduate student)
Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California
“Understanding Mechano-regulation of Mitochondrial Heterogeneity by Stromal Cells in Micro-Patterned Tumor Models"
- Second Place
Dane Wolf (graduate student)
Metabolism, Boston University (and UCLA trainee)
- Third Place
Michael Shum (postdoctoral scholar)
Medicine, UCLA
“A Novel Mitochondrial Antioxidant System Increased in Liver of Obese Mice but Drives Hyperglycemia”
The meeting was open to basic and clinical investigators, graduate and undergraduate students and all other members of the scientific community interested in mitochondria, including CTSI partner institution researchers. Visit the UCLA Mitochondria Symposium website for more information on the event
Image source: UCLA
Image caption: At top: First place poster presenter, Hydari Begum of USC, discusses her research on tumor models. Middle: UCLA Mitochondria Symposium director, Dr. Alejandro Martorell Riera (right), presents second place poster presenter, Dane Wolf of BU and UCLA (left), with his CTSI award. At bottom: Third place poster winner, Michael Shum of UCLA, presents his novel mitochondrial antioxidant system during the poster session.