White House Releases FY 2014 NCATS Budget

The request, released Apr. 10, includes $462.503 million for the national CTSA program, an increase of a 0.2 percent over the FY 2012 actual level.

The budget document says that in FY 2014, the CTSA program will:

  • Continue to provide infrastructure support for the full spectrum of translational research
  • Encourage consortial activities that improve nationally the quality and efficiency of clinical research at lower cost
  • Enhance engagement with NIH ICs and patient communities
  • Encourage consortial and community engagement projects through possible solicitations

The NCATS budget request notes the Institute of Medicine's evaluation of the CTSA program is expected in June 2013.

As stated in the budget request, the CTSA program aims to transform translational research across the nation by:

  • Facilitating collaboration among basic, pre-clinical, and clinical scientists
  • Providing a foundation of shared practices and resources that improve quality, efficiency, and reduce costs of clinical research, including multi-site trials
  • Building on institutional strengths and facilitating nimble partnerships with healthcare providers, foundations, industry, and patient communities
  • Strengthening the clinical research workforce through rigorous training and engaging patient and provider communities in the research process.

Further reading

Original Article: The full budget request can be found here

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