CTRC Cores
Bionutrition Core
The CTRC Bionutrition Core at Lundquist/Harbor-UCLA provides services to outpatient, overnight / extended stay and community based studies. A metabolic kitchen is dedicated to the preparation of nutrient controlled and regular meals. The Bionutrition core has a metabolic assessment room with DXA, indirect calorimetry, BIA and anthropometric tools that integrates body composition, bone mineral density, and energy expenditure testing. The Bionutrition Core also provides state-of-the-art nutrition computing facilities with programs for nutrient analysis, semi-quantitative food frequency analysis, and design and specification of research diets. Bionutrition Core personnel are experienced with REDCAP and can facilitate the collection and tracking of nutrition data for research studies. Training in nutrition research methodology is available to research fellows and other students.
- Metabolic Research Kitchen
- Body Composition Core
- Hologic, whole body QDR 4500 Delphi Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry System (DXA)
- Stratec Medizinintechnik GmbH pQCT Bone Densitometer, model XCT 2000L
- Lange and Holtain calipers for skinfold thickness, elbow breadth calipers to measure frame size
- Jamar hand grip dynamometer to measure grip strength
- Bioelectric impedance monitor (RJL Systems) to measure body composition
- Near-infrared spectroscopy to measure body composition
- Abdominal calipers to measure abdominal sagittal diameter
- Vmax indirect calorimeter to measure energy expenditure
- Nutrient analysis software (Nutrition Data System for Research (NDSR)
- Metabolic diet design and tracking (Pronutra)
The Bionutrition core unit is managed by a Ph.D. level dietitian, and is staffed by a full time research dietitian and a per diem diet technician.
Rachelle Bross, Tel: 310-974-9538, email: rbross@lundquist.org
Research Dietitian, Tel: 310-974-9538, email: ctsinutrition@lundquist.org
Location & Hours
The Liu Research Center, Bldg RB3, 1124 W. Carson Street, Torrance, CA 90502
Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Extended or overnight stay less than 24 hours (open for 10 nights per month for overnight studies). Potential users please contact nurse manager for information.