Escalation With Overdose Control (EWOC) has a new Home at Cedars Sinai.png

EWOC has a new Home at Cedars Sinai

New Standalone version

New Web interface

New Features

All Free of Charge


Escalation With Overdose Control is a Bayesian adaptive dose finding design that produces consistent sequences of doses while controlling the probability that patients are overdosed. EWOC was the first dose‐finding procedure to directly incorporate the ethical constraint of minimizing the chance of treating patients at unacceptably high doses.

EWOC Home gives access to:

  • The new Standalone-EWOC version 3.1.4 application available for download, and
  • The new Web-EWOC version 1.0 - a web-based calculator which includes documentation, storage and forum.

Both can be used to design and conduct dose finding clinical trials in cancer using the EWOC method.

Standalone-EWOC 3.1.4 runs under Windows 7/ Vista /XP. It is a freeware application and is available from the official EWOC Home web site.

Web-EWOC is also accessed from the official EWOC Home web site. Full functionality is available through any standard web browser. Its interface is implemented using PHP and JQuery. Algorithms are implemented using open source software R and OpenBUGS. It has a backend Oracle database to store all users? input and output. All computations are performed on web servers at a secure data center and provided free of charge.

New Features in Standalone-EWOC version 3.1.4

  • Sequence of patients with no dose limiting toxicities,
  • Enhanced trial simulations capabilities with detailed documentation.

Distinctive Features in Web-EWOC version 1.0

  • Output as PDF files,
  • Projects and Tasks stored on server,
  • Three different ways to specify Beta priors,
  • Integrations performed by MCMC,
  • Open Forum for discussions.

More Information:

or Google "ewoc home"

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