Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBCs) were originally established under the NIH Guidelines to provide local review and oversight of nearly all forms of research utilizing recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules (r/sNAs). Over time, many institutions have chosen to assign their IBCs the responsibility of reviewing a variety of experimentation that involves biological materials and other potentially hazardous agents. This additional responsibility is assigned entirely at the discretion of the institution.  

The IBC is a faculty-led committee appointed by the UCLA Vice Chancellor for Research (VCR) and consists of experts in various fields, including biosafety, human gene therapy, infectious disease, recombinant DNA, animal containment, plant containment, and occupational health. The IBC is responsible for establishing, monitoring, and enforcing policies and procedures involving hazardous biological materials and r/sNAs to meet applicable federal, state, local and institutional regulations, and guidelines.  

The Biosafety Program within Environmental Health and Safety (EH+S) partner with the IBC to provide technical expertise, and provides training, resources, and guidance to researchers to ensure safe laboratory practices and containment of biohazards, protecting personnel, the public, and the environment.  

The IBC reviews and approves protocols for academic research and teaching laboratories involving the following materials: recombinant/synthetic nucleic acid molecules, as covered by the NIH Guidelines; infectious agents that can cause disease in healthy humans and/or significant environmental or agricultural impacts, as covered by the BMB; select agents and select toxins, as covered by the CDC DSAT regulations; human and nonhuman primate materials, as covered by the Cal/OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard; and genetically-modified animals and whole plants, as covered by the NIH Guidelines. At its discretion, the IBC may also review protocols involving animals or animal specimens known to be reservoirs/vectors of zoonotic diseases. 

For more information, please visit the Institutional BioSafety Committee website.

Last updated
January 15, 2025