Call for submissions from undergrads in CTSI faculty labs

Dear CTSI Faculty,
The UCLA Undergraduate Science Journal (USJ) is an annual print publication which showcases research and review articles written by UCLA undergraduate students. The 2014 issue is being sponsored by the CTSI, School of Medicine, and the Division of Undergraduate Education, so we would like to highlight the work of undergraduates that work in CTSI faculty laboratories. From start to finish, journal production is led by an undergraduate staff consisting of reviewers, editors, and layout editors. The staff is overseen by Dr. Tama Hasson, Assistant Vice provost for Undergraduate Research and Director of the Undergraduate Research Center -Sciences. All journal articles are peer reviewed by undergraduates selected from diverse science backgrounds and edited by a skilled staff.
Currently, the USJ is looking for article submissions. If you have students in your labs conducting a 199 project or finishing an honors thesis, we encourage you to let them know about the Undergraduate Science Journal and work with them to help them submit an original research or review article. Publishing their work in USJ is a great opportunity to learn about the scientific writing process and is also a great addition to their CV/resume. Articles published in the USJ are not bound by copyright; the work can be later submitted and published in a professional journal. The printed journal is used for UCLA campus outreach and promotion purposes only and is not disseminated in an online version. To view a copy of the journal please contact Dr. Hasson and she will send you a copy of 2013 Volume 26.
Instructions for submissions are located on the USJ website at: under the submit tab. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, January 9th, 2014. If you have any questions about submission, or would like to request an extension, please email the staff at
Peter Nauka & Leslie Chang
Editors-in-Chief 2013-2014
UCLA Undergraduate Science Journal
Additional information:
Sponsored by the CTSI, School of Medicine, and the Division of Undergraduate Education
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