CTRC Westwood Office

Specialized scopes are now available in the Clinical and Translational Research Center at Westwood (UCLA) for endoscopies, esophogastroscopies, sigmoidoscopies, bronchoscopies and colonoscopies for adult and pediatric research studies.

Scopes now available for use:

  • Olympus® EVIS EXERA Therapeutic Video Gastroscope with 11.3 mm Diameter, 3.7 mm Channel, 120° Field of View, 103 cm Working Length, and Angulation of 210/90 (Up/Down) and 100/100 (Right/Left).
  • Olympus® Flexible Video Sigmoidoscope 13.2mm Diameter, 3.7mm and 73mm Working Length Channel and Angulation of 180/180 (Up/Down) and 160/160 (Right/Left).
  • Olympus® EVIS EXERA II Therapeutic Video Bronchoscope with 6.0 mm Diameter, 3.0 mm Channel, 60 cm Working Length, 120° Field of View, and Angulation of 180/130 (Up/Down).
  • Olympus® EVIS EXERA II Pediatric Video Colonoscope w/Widescreen Image, Narrow Band Imaging Compatible, Innoflex Adjustable Stiffness Ultra-Slim Video Colonoscope with Full Screen Image, Forward Water Jet and 11.3 mm Diameter, 3.2 mm Channel, 140° Field of View, 168 cm Working Length, and Angulation of 180/180 (Up/Down) and 160/160 (Right/Left).
  • Olympus 19 IN HD, Medical Grade LCD Monitor

All for use in a research procedure suite with licensed nurses to assist.

Contact Helen Williams-Bayne for more information: hwbayne@mednet.ucla.edu.

Further Information:
CTSI CTRCs homepage
Specialized Scope Flier

Image caption: CTRC-Westwood's new imaging systems include a new therapeutic video bronchoscope

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