CTSI Investigator, Tomas Ganz, to present 2014 ASH E. Donnall Thomas Lecture

The American Society of Hematology (ASH) will honor Tomas Ganz, MD, PhD, of the University of California - Los Angeles with the 2014 E. Donnall Thomas Lecture for his groundbreaking research in iron homeostasis, including the discovery of the iron-regulatory hormone hepcidin and investigation of its roles in iron metabolism. This award, named after the Nobel Prize Laureate and past Society president E. Donnall Thomas, MD, recognizes pioneering research achievements in hematology that have represented a paradigm shift or significant discovery in the field.

Dr. Ganz will present his lecture, "Iron, Erythropoiesis, and Host Defense: A Ménage à Trois," at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, December 8, at the 56th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition in San Francisco. Read full story here.

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56th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Symposium

Image caption: Tomas Ganz, MD, PhD (UCLA)

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