NIH biosketch updates for 2022: What you need to know

NIH has updated its biosketch requirements for all applications on or after Jan 25, 2022.
If you are wondering about the updates or how to address the changes in your own biosketch, UCLA CTSI has a new biosketch webinar available online on the NIH Requirements webpage. The video covers NIH biosketch requirements, all recent updates, and how to address the requirements in order to create the strongest biosketch possible.
Be sure to review the NIH Requirements webpage for additional information on common components in NIH applications including guidelines, templates, and NIH notices and policies to help guide investigators through the grant application process. Information covers a span of topics, including:
- Authentication
- Biosketches
- Clinical Trials
- Contacting Your P.O.
- Cover Letters
- Facilities & Other Resources
- Human Subjects
- Letters of Intent
- Letters of Support
- Multi PI/PD Leadership Plan
- Other Support
- Resource Sharing Plans
- Rigor & Transparency
- Vertebrate Animals
- Public Access Policy Requirements
Review the video now and reach out to the Grants Submission Unit with additional questions at
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