Assistant Clinical Professor
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Project title: A MICU Sleep Promotion Intervention Using Actigraphic Outcome Assessment
Michael Ong, MD, PhD – UCLA
Jennifer Martin, PhD – UCLA
Dale Needham, MD, PhD – Johns Hopkins University
Nancy Collop, MD – Emory University
Multidisciplinary Expertise:
Quality Improvement, Actigraphy, ICU Outcomes, Sleep in the ICU, Implementation Methods
Project Description:
Poor sleep is common in the intensive care unit (ICU) and is felt to contribute to adverse patient outcomes, including delirium. To address this problem, we will implement a sleep promoting intervention in the RRUMC medical ICU (MICU). Using an established, multi-disciplinary approach, and a before-after study design, this intervention will involve three incremental sleep improvement Stages: 1) environmental interventions (minimization of noise, light, and patient disturbances); 2) non-pharmacologic interventions (earplugs, eye masks, soothing music), and 3) a guideline promoting use of appropriate pharmacologic sleep aids. This study aims to extend a prior improvement effort into a new hospital system, and to evaluate its effect on delirium and actigraphic estimates of sleep. The use of actigraphy, a wristwatch-like accelerometer device used to assess activity and sleep, represents a novel application of an established research tool, and poses a practical option for sleep estimation during this and future ICU intervention efforts.