Project Title/Research Interests: Economic Analysis of the Medical-Legal Partnership Model

Mr. Jackson obtained his B.A. degree in Economics from Yale University in 2013 and was working on his M.S. degree in the Department of Health Policy and Management, so his admission to the doctoral program would be through a transfer.  At UCLA, Mr. Jackson has been working with faculty on projects analyzing social services programs and as the lead research assistant for the book, “The American Healthcare Paradox: Why Spending More is Getting Us Less.”  Mr. Jackson also served as an intern with Dr. Jonathan Fielding at the Los Angeles County Department of Health in 2011, working on issues related to social determinants of health, evidence-based public health practice and early childhood nutrition as it relates to obesity.  Mr. Boyd’s research interest is in social determinants of health, how health systems should be organized to optimize delivery, and what policies the government can enact to promote more efficient practices.  Upon entering the doctoral program, Mr. Jackson plans to choose the economics cognate and focus on both upstream and downstream determinants of health, using economic theory to guide his research.