The Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging brings together faculty, students, and staff with a variety of backgrounds - physics, mathematics, engineering, biology, chemistry, and medicine - to pursue innovative technologies and science to accelerate our understanding of biology and medicine. Innovative technology programs, linked by systems biology, microfluidics, nanotechnology, and molecular imaging, provide the tools to conduct integrated science in a unique, interdisciplinary setting.

With an initial focus on cancer and immunity, our goal is to develop new technologies to observe, measure, and understand biology in cells, tissues, and living organisms. Through molecular imaging - taking pictures of the living chemistry of cells and tissues of the body, we can watch biology in action in living organisms. The Crump Institute's ultimate objective is to provide medicine with new science and technologies to judge the state of health, and identify the early transitions to disease for the development and use of new therapies as part of the new era in molecular medicine.

For more information, please visit the Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging at UCLA site.

Last updated
January 23, 2025