"How Communities and Research Institutions Work Together to Dismantle Structural Racism and Advance Health Equity"

This special issue will comprise a collection of articles produced by community-based practitioners and university or other institutional researchers who integrate interdisciplinary and participatory methods in conducting community-engaged, action-oriented research to reduce/eliminate structural racism and make progress toward health equity. This issue seeks articles describing the challenges and successes involved in carrying out research with meaningful community collaboration and shared leadership among leaders in research and community settings.

Please note that JPRM only accepts manuscripts focusing on the methods, strategies, and processes used in participatory research, not the results. While the context of the authors’ work and the results should be briefly mentioned, the majority of the manuscript must concern their methods. Also acceptable are manuscripts that evaluate the methods.

We anticipate our special issue to be published in July 2024. We are currently accepting letters of intent (LOI) from interested authors by October 6, 2023, to Special Journal Editors: Dr. Ann Brearley ( ), Dr. J. Robin Moon ( ) and Dr. Drissa Toure ( ). Authors will be notified of the status of their LOI submission by November 3, 2023.  

LOIs should be one single-spaced page and include the following:

  • Authors and affiliations
  • Description of the proposed manuscript including a description of the method, technique or process, and context or sector of participatory research method (e.g., healthcare, hospitality, housing, early childcare, tech, education, etc.)
  • A category of manuscript you intend to submit (more information on the following categories is available on the About tab of the JPRM page): 

○ full-length (up to 8,000 words)

○ brief report (up to 2,500 words)

○ tutorial (picture or video step-by-by guide to a method)

If your LOI is deemed suitable for the journal, you will be asked to submit a full manuscript by January 31, 2024, for peer review. Authors whose LOIs are not selected for review are encouraged to submit them in JPRM’s regular review process.

To submit an LOI or if you have questions about the LOI process, please contact the Special Journal Editors mentioned above.

If you have questions about JPRM in general please contact