Institutional Training Grant Pre-Award Workshop Series
Hosted by: CTSI Grant Submissions Unit (GSU) and Dean's Office

Applying for a renewal, revision, or new T32 application and wondering how to manage all those Data Tables? The CTSI Grant Submissions Unit (GSU)’s Training Grant Team invites UCLA administrators to attend our Institutional Training Grant Pre-Award Workshop Series, beginning Feb. 6th, 2024 and running for 9 weeks, every Tuesday from 11am – 12pm PST, via Zoom.

Each session will be focused on one of the 8 Data Tables plus a deep dive into the Research Training Program Plan. The final session focuses on how to structure and integrate Data Table information into the Research Training Program Plan.

This series aims to educate UCLA staff on the complex submission process for T32s and similar institutional training grants by breaking down key components of the application, instruction interpretation, suggested process workflow, troubleshooting, and more. By the end of the series, admins should have the resources and knowledge to effectively support PIs with a T32 or similar submission. These training sessions are appropriate for both experienced and newer admins looking to expand their knowledge about the NIH Data Table process.

Please note that recordings and slides will not be distributed to those who do not RSVP, so participation is strongly encouraged.

For additional information, please contact

UCLA CTSI Workshops