March 2025 Update: New Forms I, Data Table, and Parent T32 NOFO Instructions

As of March 18, 2025, the NIH has released updates to Forms I, Data Table, and the parent T32 NOFO without notice (non-Parent T32s should refer to their unique NOFO and the new Forms I instructions).
All teams submitting a training grant for the May 2025 deadline are strongly encouraged to review the new instructions carefully to ensure your application reflects new language and component requirements. Key changes include the following:
- Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity: This component has been removed.
- Data Tables: Rows related to underrepresented minorities have been removed, specifically from Tables 6 and 7. New templates are available for download.
Other FORMS I changes include latest active versions of the PHS forms, changes to the Career Development Supplement (Fellowship) form, and general text and instruction updates.
If you have questions about how these changes may impact an upcoming submission, please contact Kelly Lozo at