(Link coming soon)

Attendees are encouraged from the following areas:

  • Clinicians: Who will bridge the gap between theoretical AI potential and practical clinical application.
  • Bioinformatics Experts: Offering insights into the latest advancements in data analysis and management pertinent to biomedical research.
  • Ethicists: Ensuring that AI integration aligns with the ethical standards crucial to patient care and data handling.
  • Health Services Researchers: Providing a perspective on how AI can enhance efficiency, patient satisfaction, and outcomes within healthcare systems.
  • Data Privacy Specialists: To address the critical aspects of data security and patient confidentiality in the digital age.
  • Patient Advocates: Offering a voice that represents the needs and concerns of the patient population, ensuring AI serves to enhance patient-centered care.
  • Legal Experts: Navigating the complex legal landscape around AI technology use in medicine.
  • Technology Developers and Engineers: Who can provide practical insights into the creation and implementation of AI tools.
  • Policy Makers and Healthcare Administrators: Who play a crucial role in the adoption and regulation of AI in healthcare settings.
  • Academic Researchers in AI & Machine Learning: Expanding the event's depth with cutting-edge academic research and insights.
  • Educators:  Faculty members in professional training programs such as medicine, nursing and pharmacy who will adapt and employ AI technology in the education of health care professionals.