High-impact commentary about low-value care discussed on Health Affairs blog

On July 27, Health Affairs shared an interview with Carmen Reyes, Community Outreach Director for the Value-based Care Research Consortium (VBCRC) at UCLA, along with her co-authors about their recent high impact piece that explores low-value care among black and Latinx communities during 2020.
In describing the lessons learned, Reyes shared, "I was motivated by the A.A. [African American] and Latinx focus and the importance of being a part of a forum to examine inherent inequity, bias, and institutional racism in health care delivery related to the value-care movement. This opportunity seemed like a good space to make a statement—it's not just about the economic factors and savings. It's about human beings who historically have had and continue to have challenges associated with access, affordability and quality care due to the color of their skin, language(s) spoken, zip code where they live, etc. All groups must be at the table to drive a new inclusive movement relatable to all— from the inception, not as an afterthought."
Photo credit: Health Affairs