Newsom cabinet officials walk with canvassers to promote CTSI-supported vaccination campaign

On June 8, California Governor Gavin Newsom cabinet officials joined over 300 community members in a rally at the Los Angeles Trade Technical College to draw inspiration before they began canvassing the surrounding neighborhoods with low vaccination rates as part of the Get Out the Vaccine Campaign (GOTV). The campaign's community groups have been going door-to-door to promote the benefit of the vaccines and reach low-income and immigrant populations.
Drs. Arleen Brown and Keith Norris, leaders of the CTSI Community Engagement and Research Program, were among the speakers championing the efforts of the community and the need to continue outreach.
Community groups confirm they have signed up more than 4,000 people in the LA area in the past week. This is due in no small part to the hiring of canvassers from the LA community to go door-to-door to let people know the vaccines are free and safe and to answer questions. Their goal is to reach 20 to 40 households per day, but teams have been blowing past this number and hitting more than 100 a day.
Read the full Spectrum News 1 article for complete details.
California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency further promoted the cause by tweeting "GOT Vaccine?! CA kicks off Get Out The Vaccine (GOT-Vaccine) effort @LATTC w/300+ community members.@CAbcsh Secy @LCastroRamirez & @GovOps Secy Richardson sneaker ready to hit the sidewalks & knock on doors in South LA to ensure Black & Latino communities are not left behind." Lourdes Castro Ramirez, Secretary for CABCSH, and Yolanda Richardson, California Secretary of Government Operations, joined in the day's canvassing.
Other coverage includes a recent LA Times podcast on the fight against vaccine hesitancy which features the campaign.
GOTV is supported by supported by state funding and community partnerships, including a partnership with the UCLA CTSI.