NIH offers new type of K99/R00

In 2020, NIH will accept applications for a new career development award: The MOSAIC K99/R00. This award will kickstart careers of investigators from diverse backgrounds.
To date, NIH efforts to enhance diversity have focused on earlier training stages, with programs for undergraduates and predocs. The Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) awards bring these efforts into later career stages.
The first due date for applications is February 12, 2020 (applications can be submitted as early as January 12, 2020). Standard due dates apply for future cycles. Participating institutions include NIGMS, NIBIB, NINR, and NIMHD.
Read the full Edge for Scholars article to learn how the MOSAIC K99/R00 is different from a regular K99/R00 and get links to additional NIH resources.
Image source: @NIGMSTraining
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