Optumlabs preannounces the AARP quality measure innovation grant

This summer, AARP and OptumLabs, with support from the National Quality Forum (NQF) Measure Incubator, will open a call for proposals for the 2019 AARP Quality Measure Innovation Grant. This will mark the third funding cycle from AARP. AARP’s goal for this award is to encourage the creation (such as defining, developing, testing) of new performance measures that may eventually be widely adopted to fill important measurement gaps, while improving the lives of older Americans.
Each of two winning proposals will receive a grant of up to $150,000, as well as access to the OptumLabs Data Warehouse. This year— for the first time—awardees will have the opportunity to apply for use of Medicare Parts A, B & D claims data linked to the OptumLabs Data Warehouse.* Awardees will also be eligible to receive support from experts at OptumLabs and the NQF Measure Incubator. Finally, awardees will have the opportunity to present their work at future OptumLabs events.
Email proposals.optumlabs@optum.com with questions, or to inquire about teaming with an OptumLabs partner organization. Interested parties can also refer to www.optumlabs.com for a list of current partners. OptumLabs will open the call for brief proposals in July 2019.
OptumLabs is the health care industry’s first open collaborative research and innovation center, whose mission is to work with thought-leading partners to enable innovation and ground-breaking research and measurement projects designed to improve patient care and patient value.
*Subject to approval from and under the regulations set by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and managed via the Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC) process
Image source: UCLA CTSI
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