The UCLA CTSI is recruiting interdisciplinary research teams to participate in an NSF-funded research project (National Science Foundation, SciSIP, Award #1262754 - BRIDGES: Building Resources through Integrating Disciplines for Group Effectiveness in Science). Team-training workshops will be led by investigators who will share insights from their research about what makes interdisciplinary medical research teams effective. Participation in this NSF study will require minimal involvement, including 1-2 training workshops (up to 1.5 hours each) and a few brief surveys. Training workshops will be scheduled on either March 25 or 26, 2015.

More specifically, by attending the workshops your team will receive assistance with the following:

  1. Fine-tuning the goals/objectives of your team to prepare for grant application submission.
  2. Identifying the people, work groups, and institutional resources necessary to accomplish your team's aims.
  3. Conducting data-driven team design to effectively integrate team resources into translational research project groups to meet objectives and attract funding.
  4. Mastering best practices for cross-boundary communication to promote knowledge sharing, integration, and innovation during collaboration.

Event registration is now closed.

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