Time To Set Aside The Term ‘Low-Value Care’—Focus On Achieving High-Value Care For All

“Low-value care” has been defined as care in which the potential for harm far outweighs possible benefits but the working group, Members of AcademyHealth's Thematic Working Group on Low-Value Care among African American and Latinx Populations, calls for a reexamination of the term.
Read the Health Affairs article which delves into the role of systemic racism, discrimination and disparities in outcomes, how the pandemic contributed to these issues, and how we can shift "low value care" to include African American, Latinx, and other racial and ethnic communities using an equitable, community-oriented approach.
Carmen Reyes, director of community outreach and relations for the CTSI Integrating Special Populations Program (ISP) and the UCLA Value-Based Care Research Consortium, is a co-author of the article.
AcademyHealth's Thematic Working Group on Low-Value Care among African American and Latinx Populations, a group that explores opportunities to reduce the provision of low-value care while concurrently implementing high-value care services, specifically focuses on addressing low-value care among African American and Latinx populations.
image caption: Carmen E. Reyes.
Image source: UCLA Value-based Care Research Consortium