Resources include:

  • Calibration logs
    Logs for equipment in CTRC to share with monitors; calibration provided by Clinical Engineering
  • Council slides
    CTRC quarterly council meetings and updates for study teams
  • CTRC COVID research ramp-up materials & FAQ
    CTRC COVID updates and more
  • Directions and parking
    English and Spanish directions and parking guidance
  • Email announcements
    Archive of CTRC email announcements and email blasts
  • Good Clinical Practices (GCP)
    Copy of CTRC clinical staff CITI GCP certificates for monitors
  • Delegation of authority (DOA) documentation
    CTRC does not sign sponsor DOA logs and instead has created a central Memo to Sponsor and individual nurse Research Responsibility Profile (RRP)


For access or guidance on this documentation for your project, please contact CTRC Services.