CTSI / RMCAR-CHIME Pilot Awardees
2023-2024 Awardees

Project Title: "Frailty, Race and Inequitable AnticoaguLation in Atrial Fibrillation (FRAIL-AF)"
UC Riverside
Project Title: "Multimorbidity Among Older Americans: Identifying Robust Factors Contributing to Racial and Sex Disparities"
Project Title: "Examining Ethnic Variation in the Association of Dementia and Hip Fracture Risk in Older Adults"
2022-2023 Awardees

Project Title: "Factors Contributing to Postoperative Neurocognitive Disorder in Elderly End Stage Renal Disease Patients: Improving Patient Outcomes in Minority Elder Surgical Patients"
Project Title: "Evaluating the clinical utility of neurofunctional domains derived using deep phenotyping among older Hispanic individuals with alcohol-related liver disease"
Project Title: "Identifying Barriers to Lung Cancer Screening Among Elderly High-Risk Minority Patients"

Project Title: "Post-migration stressors and wellbeing among immigrants and refugees"
2021-2022 Awardees

Project Title: "COVID-19 Impact on the Health and Wellbeing of Older Women of Color in Essential Community-Based Work: a Historical, Community Resiliency, Assets and Equity Approach "
Project Title: "Describing Racial Disparities in the Provision of Low-Value Care among Older Adults within the University of California Self-Funded Preferred Provider Organization Plan "
Project Title: "Evaluating the feasibility to implement the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) in a parish nurse program of a safety-net health system."

Project Title: "Cedars-Sinai Stroke Program Pursuit of Equity"
Project Title: "Living with chronic limb threatening ischemia; exploring the experiences and perceptions of older community dwelling Latinos to prevent amputations, and promote independence "
2020-2021 Awardees

Project Title: "Surveying knowledge of low value dementia care among Hispanic caregivers"
Project Title: "Unpacking the Black Box in the Relationship between Social Support and Cognition: A Causal Mediation Analysis"
Project Title: "A lifecourse, family-centered examination of the impact of mass incarceration on the health and wellbeing of minority older adults in Los Angeles: Emphasis on Coping"
2019-2020 Awardees

Project Title: "Neighborhood characteristics, perceptions, and obesity among the minority elderly: Evidence from California."
Project Title: "Social perceptions on neuroimaging markers of Alzheimer’s disease among older Latino/a adults"
Project Title: "Project Home: A Mental Health and Wellness In-Home Visiting Pilot Project among Aging Refugees"

Project Title: "Beliefs and Attitudes About Sleep Problems Among Older Korean Immigrants"
2018-2019 Awardees

Project Title: "Measuring the impact of the Aging Mastery Program® (AMP) participation on patient activation and health of older adults in Los Angeles County."
Project Title: "Social Engagement Strategies to Improve Medication Adherence among Older Minority Adults in an Ambulatory Care Network"
Project Title: "The Impact of Care Coordination in Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs) on Hospitalizations and Emergency Room Use Among Elderly Dual-Eligible Minorities"
2017-2018 Awardees

Project Title: "First warning signs” for cognitive decline: Self-reported memory problems and neuro-cognitive testing among middle-aged and older adults across race/ethnicity in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA).."
Project Title: "Promoting advanced care planning in older Latino adults though shared decision making."
Project Title: "Evaluating the feasibility to implement the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) in a parish nurse program of a safety-net health system"

Project Title: "Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) and neurocognition in Hispanic older adults."
2016-2017 Awardees

Project Title: "Financial planning for retirement and health among Hispanics.”
UC San Diego
Project Title: "Successful Aging among Latinos (SAL)."
Project Title: "Accelerated cognitive aging as a function of HIV and lifetime stress/adversity"

Project Title: "Racial Identity as a Resource for Healthy Aging: Improving Psychosocial Resilience among Older African Americans”
2015-2016 Awardees

Project Title: "Psychosocial mediators and moderators of healthcare stereotype threat in older African Americans and Latinos.”
UC Riverside
Project Title: "Differences in age and ethnicity in HIV testing and perceptions of HIV risk in the Coachella Valley."
Project Title: "HIV management and successful aging in men from communities of color."

Cal State Fullerton
Project Title: "Vietnamese American older adults’ mental health literacy and help seeking.”
Project Title: "Factors affecting hypertension risk awareness and self-management among socially isolated Mexican-American older adults."
2014-2015 Awardees

Charles R. Drew
Project Title: "Exploring the sexual risk behaviors of older HIV+ men who have sex with men.”
Project Title: "Closing the gap about crossing over: Addressing the disparity in advance-care planning in elderly African Americans."
Project Title: "The impact of age, race and ethnicity on kidney transplant mortality."
2013-2014 Awardees

Project Title: "Cultural adaptation of stroke risk reduction curriculum for low-income South-Asian older adults.”
UC Irvine
Project Title: "The use of innovative mobile health technology among elderly Hispanics on anticoagulation therapy."
Project Title: "Behaviors related to diabetes management among elderly Latino patients see at a federally qualified health center."
2012-2013 Awardees

Project Title: "Financial exclusion and the wellbeing of minority elders in the United States.”
UC Irvine
Project Title: "Diabetes self-care program for older Korean immigrants and their spouses."
Charles R. Drew
Project Title: "Exploring the social support of gay men in sobriety."
2011-2012 Awardees

Project Title: "Familism, social support, stress, and depressive symptoms among older Latinos in the United States: The Hispanic Community Health Study / Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL) Study.”
Azusa Pacific
Project Title: "Testing the effectiveness of an intensive dietary sodium intervention in elderly Latinos with chronic health failure."
Project Title: "Language equivalence in Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®) physical functioning measure."

Rush University
Project Title: "A community partnered approach to improving stroke symptom recognition and response in elderly Korean-Americans.”