UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine Seed Grant Program Awardees
See below for recent DGSOM Seed Grant awardees. Along with viewing recent awardees, you can also search across all years.
Current Awardees (2022-2023)
Cardiovascular Theme

Cardiovascular Theme
Project Title: “Fatty acids modulate microbiomedriven angiogenic signaling in oxygen-induced"
Cardiovascular Theme
Project Title: “Precision Medicine by Immuno-PET Imaging of Serinc-3 to Diagnose Anthracycline-Induced Cardiotoxicity"
Health Equity & Translational Social Science Theme

Health Equity & Translational Social Science Theme
Project Title: “Reducing Disparities in Maternal and Child Health Outcomes: Using Qualitative and Quantitative Data to Assess the Current Landscape of Health-Related Experiences for Black Mothers in Los Angeles and Inform a Community-Activated Lactation Clinic "
Health Equity & Translational Social Science Theme
Project Title: “Implicit Bias in the Trauma Resuscitation Bay: Disparities in Care for Marginalized Groups"
Health Equity & Translational Social Science Theme
Project Title: “Reenvisioning Care Spaces and Safety through Community Partnerships"

LA County DHS
Health Equity & Translational Social Science Theme
Project Title: “Evaluation of Trauma Recovery Center Implementation for Underserved Victims of Crime”
I3T Theme

I3T Theme
Project Title: “Understanding complement mediated immune response to Adeno-associated viral gene therapies"
Metabolism Theme

Metabolism Theme
Project Title: “Targeting adipose tissue stem cells to treat type 2 diabetes"
Metabolism Theme
Project Title: “Harnessing Metabolism to Improve CAR-T Therapy against Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia"
Neuroscience Theme

Neuroscience Theme
Project Title: “Structural proteomics of neurons in health and diseases"
Precision Health Theme

Precision Health
Project Title: “DGSOM Genomic Perturbation Platform (GPP): A collaborative platform for robust investigation of gene knockouts and genetic variants in diverse ancestry"
Regenerative Medicine Theme

Regenerative Medicine Theme
Project Title: “A regenerative drug discovery pipeline for repair after stroke"
Additional Topics

Project Title: “Compliance Over Articulation: In Pursuit Of Long-Lasting Revision Knee Replacement"