External modules can provide additional functions to your REDCap project. External modules can be added to your project by request. Below are the modules available to be added to projects.


Available Modules (with Guidance)

The below modules are available and include usage information and other guidance.

  • This external module allows you to add branching logic to a series of surveys that are linked via AutoContinue. It should not be used with the survey queue feature.
    • Usage:
      • Request External Module to be added to your project.
      • Enable more than one instrument as surveys in your project.
      • Enable auto-continue toward the bottom of the survey setup page for all but the last survey.
      • Configure the autocontinue logic module.
      • Note that if you specify any logic, it must evaluate to true or else the instrument will be skipped.
      • If there are no more valid instruments after a failed logic, then the end-of-survey settings for the original instrument will apply.


This External Module can combine multiple instruments into a single PDF document that will be saved in a file upload field on a separate instrument as well as the file repository as an option. This is usually used for PI or study personnel to countersign e-consent signed by subjects.

  • Usage
    • Create e-consent survey instrument with e-consent framework enabled.
    • Create contersign instrument with PI name and signature field as well as any wording in a descriptive field (does not need to be a survey).
    • Create a separate instrument with a file upload field that will house the merged pdf file.
    • Request the Multi Signature Consent external module to be added to your project.
    • Configure the external module by selecting at least 2 instruments to merge and the condition for the merge (typically when both instruments are complete) and whether the merged pdf file should also be saved in the file repository (highly suggested).
Sample of how to configure the external module by selecting at least 2 instruments to merge and the condition for the merge


  • This module provides end users with the ability to apply certain survey tweaks either globally to all surveys in the project or on a survey-by-survey basis.
    • Tweaks Included
      • Remove Excess TD: When do don’t want to waste the left 1″ of the survey, you can turn off ‘auto-numbering’ of survey questions and enable this tweak.
      • Hide Submit Button: In some cases you want a survey to be a ‘dead-end’. Perhaps to display read-only information or to stop an auto-continue chain. With this tweak you can remove the Submit button from the page.
      • Hide Queue Corner: Sometimes you use the survey queue but do not want the button in the upper-right corner to appear on each survey.
      • Hide Font Resize: Sometimes you don’t want users to see the +/- font resize options
      • AutoScroll: Autoscroll is a nifty little add-on that moves the next question to the top of the window after completing any radio/dropdown question. It is great for mobile surveys where the user doesn’t have to scroll with their thumb. Also, it supports a client-side cookie to remember if a user wants to deactivate the autoscroll feature.
      • Rename Submit Button: In some cases, you want to rename the submit button on a survey. Perhaps to, “Next Section” instead? This allows you to do just that.
      • Hide End Queue: At the end of a survey where the survey queue is enabled, you can HIDE the summary table that shows where someone is on the queue.
      • Hide Reset Button: In some cases you want to hide the ‘reset link’ for radio questions.
      • Rename “Next Page >>” and “<< Previous Page” Buttons: You may want to change the language on these buttons when breaking up a survey by section.
      • Hide required field text: De-clutter your page on surveys with many required fields.
      • Save and Return without email: Remove the option to send a return link to the user’s email. Users must save the url themselves.
      • Survey Login on Save You can use this feature to prevent users from having to perform a survey-login during the initial data entry. To use, have a non-login survey where they enter their ‘code’. Set this survey as the EM option. Then, when it is saved, it will automatically make the cookies as though the user just logged in.
  • For survey projects that wish to capture respondent IP address for duplicate or fraud prevention measures, this External Module can be added to your survey project.
    • Usage
      • Request to add this External Module to your project.
      • Add a text box field to your project with action tag @HIDDEN-SURVEY so that it will not show up in your survey.
      • Configure the External Module so that IP Address (best guess) is selected as the User-Agent Value and the Destination Field Name is mapped to the field you’ve added in the above step.
Sample of User Agent Info set up in REDCap



More Available Modules

The below modules are also available but these do not have additional guidance on this page at this time.

  • Auto Populate Fields
  • Cross-Project Piping
  • Inline Descriptive Pop-ups
  • Instant Field Concatenation
  • Pre-populate instruments

Depricated Modules

  • (Depricated) Form Render Skip Logic – Replaced by native REDCap function: Form Display Logic
  • (Depricated) Multilingual – Replaced by native REDCap function: Multi-Language Management
  • (Depricated) MyCap – Replaced by Native REDCap function: MyCap (Piloting on the External REDCap)
  • (Depricated) Shazam – Replaced by Native REDCap function: Field Embedding
  • (Depricated) Tableau Web Data Connector – Replaced by native REDCap function: Tableau Export

