Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers on how to get a research project started at The Lundquist Institute at Harbor-UCLA (TLI) for students, residents, fellows, & faculty.
You can also find a comprehensive overview of how to conduct research at TLI: Investigator Manual

If you are a trainee (student, resident, or fellow) you must have a mentor.
Your mentor must be a TLI investigator:
- A “TLI investigator” is an individual who has a current or pending academic appointment and is directing research, the funding, if any, for which is administered by the Lundquist Institute
I have no mentor and/or mentor is not a TLI investigator:
- Contact Division Chief to find mentor
- Contact CTSI leadership for guidance finding a mentor
Links and contact information
To become a TLI investigator, contact Human Resources:
John Munz jmunz@Lundquist.org -
CTSI contacts:
Christina Wang wang@Lundquist.org (primary contact)
Loren Miller Lmiller@Lundquist.org or Lgmiller@g.ucla.edu
IRB submission is required for Human Subject Research.
- Use the links provided to determine whether an activity is Human Research or how it is regulated
- Consult with the IRB for assistance
- Complete IRB application on iMedRIS (also known as iRIS)
IRB submission may not be required for Quality Improvement, Program Evaluation or Class/Study projects.
Use the links provided to determine whether a proposed activity is a QI project and does not involve human subjects research
- Always contact IRB for determination of submission requirement
Links and contact information
Individuals must complete and maintain TLI training/education requirements.
- Use link provided to determine which courses are required
- Consult with the Compliance Office for assistance
Go to CITI Program to register.
- Add "Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation at Harbor UCLA Medical Center" as your Organization Affiliation.
Once you have completed the tests, email Tina to request an iMEDRIS (iRIS) account.
- The PI will need to email Tina or be copied on the email to Tina to request an account.
Links and contact information
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI TRAINING)
Compliance Office contact:
Tina Yiadom, eyiadom@Lundquist.org, 310-222-3624
Research projects in DHS vary by category (1 to 5) according to how well they ALIGN, IMPACT and BENEFIT DHS.
- Category 1 Research well aligned with DHS.
Direct DHS resources can be used to fully support project - Category 5 Research has no benefit to DHS or its partners (ex. basic science research project)
No support
Projects are submitted through the DHS Research project online request form.
- Department Chair and Chief Medical Officer (CMO) will review project
- If DHS resources are needed, a Research Order form will be emailed
- A project category will be assigned and degree of support determined
Links and contact information
DHS research project request instructions
DHS research project online request form