Fox 11 LA features UCLA-led coalition working with minority communities on COVID-19 and vaccine education

On March 8, Fox 11 LA featured STOP COVID-19 CA—a coalition of eleven academic institutions and their community partners across California—and their efforts to coordinate with communities to provide education to support the acceptance rate of vaccines in communities of color.
Watch the complete Fox 11 LA segment.
The segment includes an interview with Yelba Castellon-Lopez, a UCLA doctor and assistant professor in the department of medicine, who serves as one of the doctors facilitating community engagement. Also highlighted is one of STOP COIVD-19 CA's community partner organizations, Vision y Compromiso, a nationally respected organization dedicated to improving the health and well-being of underrepresented communities. Graciela Jimenez, a volunteer and Promotora for the Vision y Compromiso San Fernando Valley Committee, is interviewed along with Leticia Ortiz, an active community member who is also a Promotora.
Image source: Fox 11 LA
Image caption: Dr. Yelba Castellon-Lopez's interview shared how she grew up in South LA and has a central mission to address health care disparities, including alleviating the disproportionate burden in LA communities due to the pandemic.