Get counts of de-identified patient data.

UCLA CTSI participates in three networks, i2b2, LADR (Los Angeles Data Repository) and ENACT (Evolve to Next-Gen Accrual to Clinical Trials), that you can use to assess how many patients would meet different study inclusion criteria that are being considered. The systems also help you choose which other institutions to approach for participation if you need a larger sample size. Once your criteria is set, you can also obtain patient counts by gender, race and ethnicity to facilitate the completion of NIH-planned enrollment tables.

I need UCLA-only data.

i2b2 (Informatics for Integrating Biology & the Bedside) provides counts from:

  • UCLA only

I need Los Angeles data.

LADR (Los Angeles Data Repository) provides counts from:

  • UCLA

  • Cedars-Sinai

  • City of Hope

  • USC

I need nationwide data.

ACT (Enabling Next-Gen Accrual to Clinical Trials Network) counts from:


  • 35+ other CTSAs nationwide

Get counts for:

  • Demographics

  • ICD-9 and ICD-10 Codes

  • CPT Codes

  • HCPCS Codes

  • Laboratory Tests

  • Medications

  • Vital Signs

  • Vital Status

  • Visit Details
    (including visit location)

Get counts for:

  • Demographics
  • ICD-9 and ICD-10 Codes
  • CPT Codes
  • Laboratory Tests
  • Medications
  • Vital Signs
  • Vital Status
  • Visit Details

Get counts for:

  • Demographics
  • ICD-9 and ICD-10 Codes
  • CPT Codes
  • HCPCS Codes
  • Laboratory Tests
  • Medications
  • Vital Status
  • Visit Details

Contact Information:


Contact Information:


Contact Information:


Getting Access to ACT, LADR and i2b2


  1. Be affiliated with a participating institution*

  2. Be a Principal Investigator or have a Principal Investigator sponsor your access**

  3. Complete a training session

*For i2b2, you must be affiliated with UCLA.
*For LADR, you must be affiliated with one of the sites currently contributing data (UCLA, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center or USC).
*For ACT, you must be affiliated with UCLA. If you are affiliated with another CTSA, please contact the appropriate site.

**If you are not a Principal Investigator, you must have a Principal Investigator sponsor your access and email their approval to the appropriate system's email address listed in the contact information below.

NOTE: If estimating your population size requires data not available in either tool, it may be possible for the Informatics team to run the query for you. If this is the case, please note we will need at least a 2 weeks notice prior to the desired deadline.

Need other data sources?

See Additional Data Resources