Data Table Changes are Coming: NIH Institutional Training Grant Changes Effective Jan. 25, 2025

Training Grant Instruction Changes
The NIH is issuing updates through SF242 Forms I, which has numerous implications for NRSA Training Grants planning to submit on or after January 25th, 2025. Additional details and guidance will be released later this year, but a summary of major changes, including for Data Tables, are included below:
PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan
- Further define expectations for mentor training
- Clarify positive definition for trainee outcomes
Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity
- Will be a separate attachment in the Training Program Section (not counted toward the Program Plan’s 25-page limit)
Responsible Conduct of Research & Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity
- Will contribute to the overall impact score
Data Tables
For All Tables, NIH will:
- Remove redundancies
- Clarify terms & rationales
- Create consistent lettering for training stage
- Update examples with current dates and a wider variety of names, fields, and research-related careers
- Added optional structure for partnership programs
- Limited predoctoral/postdoctoral data collection to information for the training stage of the program to reduce burden (Tables 1 and 2)
Additional changes for individual tables:
- Table 1: Will now include Undergraduate programs
- Table 5: Will be reorganized to focus on trainee publication outcomes instead of participating faculty publication record and will now allow interim research products (e.g. preprints)
- Table 6: Will Remove most trainee characteristics
- Table 7: Will now include Undergraduate programs
- Table 8: “Part II. Those Clearly Associated with the Training Grant” will be removed
For more details, please review NOT-OD-24-084 and register for the NIH Training Grant Application Updates Webinar, to be held on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.
NRSA FY24 Stipend Levels
NIH also released updated stipend levels for National Research Service Award (NRSA) awards for undergraduate, predoctoral, and postdoctoral trainees and fellows. Budget items effected by the adjustment include:
- Tuition and Fees
- Childcare Subsidies
- Training Related Expenses (including health insurance costs)
- Institutional Allowance for Individual Fellows
Review NOT-OD-24-104 and this article by the NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research, Mike Lauer, for full information.
Please contact Kelly Lozo at with questions or to discuss how these changes may impact your planned 2025 application.