Overview of major T32 parent FOA changes for 2023, watch the video
The NIH reissued the parent funding opportunity announcement for T32 applications on or after Jan 26, 2023. CTSI has an informational video to help guide researchers through the updates

Learn about key changes related to the new parent T32 funding opportunity announcement that effects applications after Jan. 26, 2023.
Watch our video to learn more about the T32 changes.
This video provides an overview of key changes related to the new parent T32 funding opportunity announcement PA-23-048 (reissue of PA-20-142). Applicants planning to submit a new or renewal application for the upcoming May or September 25, 2023 deadlines should review the new PA and the accompanying video.
While the new announcement remains largely unchanged, there are some key thematic changes that may affect how applicants address specific components. This video addresses:
Thematic Changes
Overview of Major Changes
Focus Area
- Program must clearly fit IC focus area/disease concern
Leadership Team & Mentors
- Diversity considerations no longer includes career stage or scientific background
- Importance of Mentors’ years of training experience is a primary concern
- Most Mentors must have relevant, active funding
- Curriculum should now include training on data transparency, sharing, storage; Human Subjects, research ethics and integrity; presentation and publication skills, networking and other career skills; and critical thinking, among others.
- Emphasis on various career options for trainees (not just academia)
Recruitment & Evaluation
- Direct feedback from trainees for evaluation is required
- Highlight efforts to recruit from diverse institutions
Other significant changes include:
- Revised review criteria
- New guidelines for the Institutional Support Letter
- Evaluation metrics (for renewals only)
- Synergy with the institutional environment
- Interest in trainee productivity rather than success
Please reach out to GSUTraining@mednet.ucla.edu for more information.