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Deadlines & Opportunities

October 30, 2023

UC-Wide Recruitment Pilot
Use the power of the UC Health Data Warehouse to boost your clinical study recruitment.


  • RFP Release: October 30, 2023
  • Deadline: December 4, 2023
  • Project selection announcements: December 15, 2023
  • Pilot period: January 16, 2024, to April 15, 2025
  • Expected recruitment period: April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025

Are you interested in executing clinical studies across the UC campuses as a strategy to support recruitment of diverse populations?

The University of California Biomedical Research Acceleration, Integration, & Development (UC BRAID)  and the Center for Data-driven Insights and Innovation (CDI2) are offering an opportunity for study teams to pilot the use of the UC Health Data Warehouse to identify and recruit potentially eligible patients across the UC Health system as a way to efficiently meet enrollment goals and recruit a diverse study population. The UC Health Data Warehouse is a centralized repository of electronic health record data from across the six UC Academic Medical Centers.  The UCHDW currently holds data on 8.7 million patients seen at a UC facility since 2012. These patients received care from nearly 100,000 health care providers in approximately 378 million encounters.  In those encounters, UCH conducted over 1 billion procedures, ordered or prescribed more than 1.3 billion medications, made more than 5.2 billion vital signs and test result measurements, including 35,000 sequenced cancer genomes, and assigned more than 1.1 billion diagnosis codes. Over 800,000 of these patients receive primary care through UCH.

Studies selected for the pilot will work with the pilot coordinating team to identify cohorts of potentially eligible patients using coded variables such as ICD codes, lab values, and patient demographics; studies can contact the patient cohorts by US Mail or email. Contact by phone or text is not allowed as part of this service. 

All data extraction and recruitment set-up services will be provided free of charge during the pilot. Studies will be responsible for all outreach to patients and other associated costs. To address disparities in technology adoption, studies planning to use email as an outreach method should also plan to send paper recruitment letters to patients without email addresses. Studies must use an approved email or recruitment letter template to ensure compliance with relevant policy and regulations. We expect all studies to prioritize equitable outreach and to plan and budget for this expense. 


To qualify, studies must:

  • Have started recruitment by September 1, 2023, and expect to continue recruitment through October 1, 2024.
  • Must plan to recruit from a minimum of 2 UC sites (including home site) and have collaborators already identified at other UC recruitment sites. For this pilot, a “collaborator” is a faculty member with interest in the study and willingness to collaborate scientifically, e.g., co-authorship. A collaborator does not necessarily mean that they receive funding for the study of interest.
  • Must provide justification as to how recruitment across multiple UC sites will help recruit a diverse population.
  • Have a PI with faculty appointment at one of the UC Academic Medical Centers.
  • Have an IRB approval in place and have been recruiting for three months.
  • Must agree to participate in periodic process assessments, surveys, etc. with Pilot team and CDI2.

Studies may not qualify for this pilot if they:

  • Expect major changes to recruitment protocol during pilot period.
  • Have time-sensitive recruitment based on clinical diagnoses (due to database syncing schedule, data will be delayed approximately one month before delivery).
  • Plan to recruit prisoners, minors <18 years, select participants based on mental health diagnoses, STDs, or illicit drug use.

To apply

Please complete this application by 5:00 p.m. on December 4, 2023.
Please contact healthdata@ucop.edu with questions.

Application submission requirements:
