Diversity, pegs with different colors

Program Overview

The purpose of the Diversity in Research Program is to uphold the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine (DGSOM) Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) and CTSI EDI's belief that healthcare is a human right and should be a place that will continue to educate and support the next generation of researchers with that core value in mind. 

Leveraging multiple successful EDI/JEDI initiatives at UCLA and within the CTSI and DGSOM, we aim to create a program that supports underrepresented and emerging scientists, early stage investigators, and junior faculty's life-changing research that will better serve the communities most underrepresented and impacted by health inequity, inequality, inaccessibility, and affordability. 

Goals and Objectives

Our goal is to provide consistent grant submission support for developing researchers of diverse backgrounds for successful careers in the research workforce.

  • The Grants Submission Unit and additional CTSI + DGSOM resources will be made available to participants for submitting grant applications
  • This program will promote greater access to Mentors and Leaders to put together a successful research project and positively impact professional development

As this program evolves, we hope to: 

  • strengthen connections and collaborations with established partners, faculty, scientists, and investigators to continue growing this program
  • provide connections to mentors for early stage investigators, junior faculty, scientists, and the next generations of scholars

Junior faculty and early stage investigators will be able to: 

  • partner with mentors at UCLA and affiliate sites 
  • utilize GSU services for obtaining funding opportunities with mentorship pairs

Intake Form

If you would like to stay in contact with us about this topic, please complete the Diversity in Research Program Intake Form. In addition, please use the form to let us know about unique resources, programs, or training opportunities that align with our goals and objectives, and/or information about your office/department that can be shared on our website.


For more information about EDI at the CTSI, contact: 
Jordan Marie Daniel
Outreach and Project Manager, CTSI Grants Submission Unit

Daniel, Jordan

Jordan Whetstone

Grants Submission Unit Project Manager, Diversity in Research Program Outreach Manager, Network Capacity Program Trial Innovation Network Liaison