Multi PD/PI Leadership Plan

Multi PD/PI Leadership Plan Guidelines
If there will be more than one lead PD/PI for an NIH application, and this is allowed by the FOA, applicants must include a Multi PD/PI Leadership Plan. The plan should include the rationale, organizational structure of the team, communication plans, processes for making decisions on scientific direction, procedures for resolving conflicts, roles and responsibilities, and distribution of budgetary resources.
There is usually no limit on the number of PIs, but it should be reasonable and well justified. All PIs should be qualified and share equal responsibility; the governance structure is determined by the applicants. Please note that a Multi PD/PI Plan is not the same as having “Site PIs” at subaward sites.
Note: Some mechanisms (such as Institutional Training Grants, e.g. T32s) particularly encourage multiple PD/PIs, especially when each PI brings a unique perspective and skill set that enhances the training environment.
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