Data Management and Sharing Plan

Data Management and Sharing Plan Guidelines
The new Data and Management Sharing Plan (as of January 25, 2023) should describe the data management, preservation, and sharing of scientific data and accompanying metadata.
The new NIH-wide Policy defines scientific data as “the recorded factual material commonly accepted in the scientific community as of sufficient quality to validate and replicate research findings, regardless of whether the data are used to support scholarly publications.”
Accordingly, Plans should outline where, when, and how these resources will be shared.
The Data Management and Sharing Plan should also:
- Briefly describe the expected schedule for data sharing;
- State format of the final dataset;
- Provide documentation;
- Address if analytic tools also will be provided;
- Address if a data-sharing agreement will be required,
- If so, provide a brief description of the agreement (including decision criteria); and
- Describe mode of data sharing.
Your Data Management and Sharing Plan should also be referenced in:
- Budget, if costs are associated;
- Budget Justification (no more than two paragraphs--this is the only part of the DMSP that reviewers will see);
- Background and Significance (especially for large databases); and
- Human Subjects (for confidentiality assurances)
Sharing methods should be specific to the type of data being produced and can include publishing, researcher efforts, a data enclave or archive, or a mix of these. If intellectual property is anticipated to be developed as a result of the proposed research, investigators should consider patent issues, potential proprietary information, and possible restrictions for privacy laws (HIPAA, etc.).
In all cases, protecting the rights and privacy of human subjects should be a top priority.
For a UCLA-specific template for utilizing Dryad, please contact GSU at
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