Project Status
The following lists the different status a project can have during it’s life cycle.
- Initial status for any newly created projects.
- Any change within the Online Designer or data dictionary upload will be immediately reflected in the project (e.g. data corruption/deletion).
- Project in this status will NOT receive data backup/corruption protection.
- Any projects that will start collecting real data should moved to this status.
- Has ‘Draft Mode’ within Online Designer which is a virtual space to hold any project editions. These changes will not be applied to the project until they have been reviewed and deemed not to affect data integrity for existing data within the project.
- Project will receive data backup/corruption protection.
- When formal data collection has ended.
- While in this status, many features are disabled, such as surveys, Alerts & Notifications, Automated Survey Invitations, and other features typically used during data collection.
- When all activities are completed for the project.
- Project metadata such as data dictionary, event csv, instrument designation csv, metadata xml as well as project data should be exported and stored securely before moving to this status.
- Moving to this status will take the project offline and remove it from everyone’s project list, after which it can only be seen again by clicking the Show Completed Projects link at the bottom of the My Projects page.