Anonymous Survey

  • Default REDCap survey mode.
  • Use a general survey link for survey distribution when the study team do not have the participant’s email address.
  • If the study team have the participant’s email address and is using the ‘Participant List’ under ‘Survey distribution tools’ to send out survey invites, if email address of the participant is entered without turning on ‘Participant Identifier’ and entering identifier element, email address will be masked and record ID will not be visible during the data collection phase.
  • Data export will not contain any email addresses entered in the ‘Participant List’ to send out survey invites and thus response record cannot be mapped to corresponding email address.

Identified Survey

  • In order to have survey response identifiable, the project must be setup with one of the following ways.
    • Using ‘Participant List’ to enter email address and enabled ‘Participant Identifier’ to enter identifier element (e.g. can be email or study ID).
    • Set up 1st instrument in Online Designer to be a non survey instrument and adding a text field validated for email. Enable ‘Designate an email field for communications (including survey invitations and alerts)’ under ‘Enable optional modules and customizations’ and select the email field. Survey invite could be sent using Participant List or Automated Survey Invite.
