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Elaine Albertson_TL1

Elaine Albertson, MS, MPH, BA

TL1 Predoc - 2018 Cohort

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Elaine Cooperstein, MS, CCRP

Participant and Clinical Interactions Program Specialist

Howell, Elaine

Elaine Howell

Grants Submission Unit Senior Project Manager

Elaine Hsiao

Elaine Hsiao, PhD

CTSI Awardee (CURE P&F)

Eleazar Eskin

Eleazar Eskin, PhD

CTSI Awardee (Catalyst)

Ipp, Eli

Eli Ipp, MD, MB

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Program Leader

Elian Garcia

Elian Garcia

Project Coordinator, Precision Health Program

Elijah Bell_TL1

Elijah Bell, MD

TL1 Postdoc - 2016 Cohort

Eliza Congdon_KL2 Awardee

Eliza Congdon, PhD

KL2 Awardee - 2013 Cohort

Ella Nemeth_KL2

Elizabeta Nemeth, PhD

Workforce Development Program Co-Leader (KL2)