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Photo of Recruitment Chair Hannah Jin

Hannah Jin

Recruitment Chair - RAP Student

Recruitment Chair and RAP Student Hannah Jin

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Haofeng Ji, MD

CTSI Awardee (CURE P&F)

Harley I. Kornblum

Harley Kornblum, MD, PhD

CTSI Awardee (CART Pilot Award)

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Harriet Mauro

Research Administrative Coordinator

Heather Christofk

Heather Christofk, PhD

CTSI Awardee (Catalyst)

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Heather Jones, MD

KL2 Awardee - 2013 Cohort

Helen Ovsepyan_TL1

Helen Ovsepyan, JD, MPH

TL1 Predoc - 2015 Cohort

Heloisa Soares

Heloisa Soares, MD, PhD

CTSI Awardee (CURE P&F)

Lin, Henry

Henry Lin, MD

Pilot Translational and Clinical Studies Program Co-Leader, Precision Health Program Co-Leader

Hilary Coller

Hilary Coller, PhD

CTSI Awardee (Iris-Cantor)