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Loren Miller

Loren Miller, MD, PhD

CTSI Awardee (Catalyst)

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Loritta Manai, RN

Nurse Facilitator at Clinical & Translational Research Center, Workforce Development Program Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Curriculum Development Co-Lead, Regulatory Knowledge and Support Program Navigator, Network Capacity Program Nurse Navigator

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Lourdes Guerrero, EdD, MSW


Lucina Uddin

Lucina Uddin, PhD

CTSI Awardee (CART Pilot)

Lucy Vaca

Lucy Vaca

Clinical & Translational Science Institute Operations and Events Coordinator

Lucy Vaca serves in the main office of the UCLA CTSI for the CTSI seminars and the operations and finance departments.

Luisa Blanco

Luisa Blanco, PhD, MBA


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Lydia Lee, MD, PhD

CTSI Awardee (Iris-Cantor)

Rosenbaum, Lydia

Lydia Rosenbaum, MHSc, CCRP

Administrative Lead, Evaluation Administrator, Network Capacity Program Administrator, Cedars-Sinai

Smith, Lynne

Lynne Smith, MD

Integrating Special Populations Program Co-Leader (Pediatrics)

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Lynwood Lord

Grants Submission Unit Project Manager