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Ron Hays, PhD

Director, CHIME Analysis Core

Guo, Rong

Rong Guo

Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Research Design Program Biostatistician

Rose Rocchio

Rose Rocchio

CTSI Awardee (Catalyst)

Bastani, Roshan

Roshan Bastani, PhD

Integrating Special Populations Program Investigator (Disparities)

ross fleischamn

Ross Fleischman, MD, MCR

Biomedical Informatics Program Co- Leader

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Roy Doumani, JD, MBA

CTSI Awardee (Catalyst)

Rujuta B. Wilson

Rujuta Wilson, MD

CTSI Awardee (CART Pilot Award)

Russell Buhr_TL1

Russell Buhr, MD

TL1 Postdoc - 2017 Cohort

Russell Buhr_KL2 Awardee

Russell Buhr, MD, PhD

KL2 Awardee - 2020 Cohort

Photo of Outreach and External Relations Chair Sabrina Ghalambor

Sabrina Ghalambor

Outreach and External Relations Chair - RAP Student

Outreach and External Relations Chair; and RAP Student Sabrina Ghalambor