Table 6A & 6B
Training Program Candidates, Entrants, and their Characteristics for the Past Five Years
This table is based on UCLA’s admissions data over the last 5 years, showing counts and characteristics of students who applied and matriculated into participating departments, programs, and mentor labs. Demonstrate that there is an appropriate candidate pool to fill the training program’s proposed slots.
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Overall Instructions
As of January 2025, the NIH has removed significant portions of Part II and combined both Parts into “Counts and Characteristics.”
Table 6A (Pre-Docs) & Table 6B (Post-Docs)
- These tables report admission data for departments/programs listed in Table 1 (Pre-docs) and mentors' labs (Post-docs).
- This section is comprised of six separate sub-tables: one table for each of the past 5 years plus a final table summarizing the mean values of each year.
- For Table 6A (Pre-docs), omit participating departments/programs that do not offer pre-doc programs. Clinician departments will be displayed in Table 6B (Post-docs).
- Omit trainees admitted solely to obtain master’s degrees.
- Begin with the most recently completed academic or grant year and work backward.
- If only one department is participating in the proposed training program, only enter the overall total for each year.
- Data collection recommendations:
- For 6A (Pre-Docs): Report data based on participating departments only. Collect data for this table through the Minerva database or by contacting the participating department’s graduate/PhD programs.
- For 6B (Post-Docs): Report data based on post-doc trainees within mentors' labs or other applicable postdoctoral training program (not all trainees within participating departments). Collect data for this table through the Minerva database or by contacting the applicable mentor’s lab.
- Bold all totals in the final row.
- Page Limit: None. For more information visit our FAQs.
Summarize Table 6 data in the Research Training Program Plan's narrative Trainee Candidates and Retention Plans and Training Outcomes subsections, including overall numbers of potential trainees, their credentials, characteristics, eligibility for support, and overall enrollment trends.
For Post-doc & combined programs: In addition to the aforementioned, clearly describe the recruitment process for post-doc trainees (e.g., whether candidates are selected from individuals in the laboratories of proposed faculty members or whether there is a formal application process to the training program, etc.).
Guidance by Column
Sub-Tables 1 - 5
- Sub-Table Title. Label the first table as “Most Recently Completed Year: “YYYY-YYYY” and the next four as “Previous Year: YYYY-YYYY"; base the most recently completed year on academic year (UCLA uses September to August) or grant year (renewal project period) depending on which timeframe ends closest to the submission deadline
- Training Program Candidates – Applied. Number of candidates who formally applied for admission to programs, as outlined in column 1
- Training Program Candidates – Eligible for Support. Subset of the candidates from column 2 who were eligible for support on the proposed training grant*
- New Entrants to the Program. Subset of individuals from column 2 who matriculated within the given timeframe
- New Entrants Eligible for Support. Subset of matriculated individuals from column 4 who were eligible* for inclusion in the proposed training grant
- New Appointees to this Grant (Renewal/Revision Applications Only). Total the appointed trainees in the year they were admitted to the applicable department (Table 6A) or mentor lab (Table 6B), not to the training program itself; list 0 if none apply
- Table 6A (Pre-Docs): Do not include students admitted solely to obtain master’s degrees; if only one department is participating, only enter the overall total for each year
- Table 6B (Post-docs): Only include post-doc applicants who could be considered candidates for the proposed training program
- Example: Jane Doe was admitted the Department of Neurosurgery between 2017 - 2018 and appointed to a training grant in 2020-2021 and 2021-2022; Jane Doe will only be counted once in the 2017-2018 table because that was the year she was admitted to the Department
- New applications delete this column
*Eligibility: In most cases, eligible candidates are citizens or non-citizen nationals of the U.S. or permanent residents. They are required to pursue their research training full time and are normally assigned 12-month appointments, but no less than 9 months. Check the specific FOA for full details.
- Pre-docs: Trainees must be enrolled in a program leading to a PhD or equivalent research doctoral degree program. Health-professional students who wish to interrupt their studies for a year or more to engage in full-time research training before completing their formal training programs are also eligible.
- Post-docs: Trainees must have received a PhD, MD, DDS, or comparable doctoral degree at the time of their training grant appointment start date. Check the specific FOA for a list of comparable doctoral degrees. Individuals in postgraduate clinical training who wish to interrupt their studies for a year or more to engage in full-time research training before completing their formal training programs are also eligible.
Sub-Table 6
Means Across All Years
Summarize UCLA’s admission data by providing the mean value for all 5 years of support (previous 5 tables).
- Table 6A (Pre-Docs): Title the first row “Total All Years” and the second row “Mean Count Across Years.” Provide a mean for every column.
- Table 6B (Post-docs): Title the first row “Means Across All Years.” Provide a mean for every category.
Percent from Underrepresented Groups (per NIH FORMS I T32 guidelines, which is still active as of January 29, 2025 when this content was updated)
For this row of each sub-table, enter the percent of individuals from underrepresented groups using NIH’s guidelines.
Helpful Hints
A Representative and Robust Applicant Pool
- Table 6 data can sometimes be hard to find. If the Tables don’t match what the PD/PIs know to be the reality of their applicant pool, consider adding departments (Table 6A) or mentor laboratories (Table 6B) to capture missing students. A footnote can also summarize the institutional data environment and approaches to report accurate information within the given context.
- Example: During a new application process, the PD/PIs did not feel that Table 6A or 6B accurately captured the pool. The team was having trouble finding accurate data to populate the Tables. The PD/PIs added a relevant graduate department to Table 1 (Table 6A) and mentors with an active labs (Table 6B). They also added a footnote providing context for their specific institutional data collection challenges.
Table 6 Video Walkthrough
Table 6 FAQs
According to the 2025 Data Table Instructions and Forms I as of January 29, 2025, elements of Part II are no longer required, including:
- Table 6A: Mean Months of Prior, Full-Time Research Experience (range), Prior Institutions, and Mean GPA (range).
- Table 6B: Mean Number of Publications (range), Mean Number of First-Author Publications (range), and Prior Institutions.
The only element that remains from Part II is “Percent from Underrepresented Groups”, which has been moved into the main table.
Use academic year or, for renewals, the grant’s budget year. UCLA’s academic year runs from September to August.
In many cases, Table 6 will begin almost a full year before the submission date in order to capture a completed year of data. For example, a team submitting a new application in May only has eight months of data. For example, for a renewal being submitted in May, 2025, the “Most Recently Completed Year” should be the 2023-2024 academic year.
Explain through a footnote on the table and/or within the Program Plan that the necessary application data is not required to be collected or reported by individual labs at UCLA. Therefore, relevant columns can be completed with just post-doc appointment data, as any post-doc that matriculated into a mentor’s lab must have applied in some capacity.
If using this justification method, “Total Applicant Pool” and “Applicants Eligible for Support” data should match “New Entrants to the Program” and “New Entrants Eligible for Support” data.
Minerva, UCLA’s homegrown database, is designed to support the creation of Data Tables. As a data provider, Minerva has access to administrative systems that can help populate Table 6. If further data is needed, you may also need to contact departmental SAOs, program administrators, and/or individual mentors’ labs to collect and incorporate this information.
Since Table 6 is reporting admissions data, the trainee should only be counted once in the year they were admitted to their relevant department or program, regardless of number of mentors.
Eligible candidates are citizens or non-citizen nationals of the U.S. or permanent residents. They are required to pursue their research training full time and are normally assigned 12-month appointments, but no less than 9 months. Check the specific FOA for full details. Exceptions may apply; check the individual FOA for specific guidelines.
NIH Templates & Other Resources
- Contact for formatted Microsoft Excel templates
- Data Table Form Library (Please note, as of January 2025, NIH is utilizing FORMS I for Data Tables)
- Consolidated Sample Data Tables and Instructions (Microsoft Word)
- All Blank Data Table Templates (Microsoft Word)
- Data Table FAQs