Table 1

Census of Participating Departments or Interdepartmental Programs

This is the first table reviewers see, and provides the main context of the grant and a broad overview of UCLA’s training environment.

Table 2

Participating Faculty Members

This table should demonstrate that your program has a robust and appropriate group of mentors.

Table 3

Federal Institutional Research Training Grant and Related Support Available to Participating Faculty Members

This table discloses other training grants in which mentors are currently involved to illuminate overlap in focus area and mentor capacity.

Table 4

Research Support of Participating Faculty Members

This table demonstrates UCLA’s research funding environment and confirms mentors have available funds to support trainee research projects.

Table 5A & 5B

Publications of Those in Training

This table demonstrates that the selected mentors successfully nurture trainee productivity, as measured through publications.

Table 6A & 6B

Applicants, Entrants, and their Characteristics for the Past Five Years

This table is based on admission data over the last 5 years to verify a selective admission processes and diverse/competitive educational environment.

Table 7 (renewal only)

Appointments to the Training Grant for Each Year of the Current Project Period (Renewal/Revision Applications Only)

This table provides an overview of the current program’s past success and allows evaluation of awarded training positions.

Table 8A & 8C

Program Outcomes

This table reports on trainees' outcomes in terms of degrees earned, research project focus area, and positions achieved after training.

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