Training Program Evaluation
Please review new SF242 Forms I and Parent T32 NOFO requirements (PA-25-168).

Training Program Evaluation is a sub-section of the 25-page Program Plan's “B. Program Plan” component. Describe a rigorous, evidence-informed evaluation plan to monitor for and assess the quality and effectiveness of the program. Approaches should be grounded in literature or from evaluations of other relevant training programs. This plan should include:
- Direct feedback from current and former trainees to identify and find solutions for areas of improvement
- Unique, specific, and measurable metrics tied to program goals
- Stated plans to assess career development and progression of trainees (publications, degree completion, post-training positions, etc.)
- Plans to respond to appropriate feedback
- Renewals Only: Discuss evaluation results and whether program has been modified based on those results
Page Limit: Must fit within the Program Plan’s 25 page maximum. About 2 pages.
Format: Section header: “B. Program Plan” | Subsection header: “d. Training Program Evaluation”
Component Instruction Index
Access detailed instructions for each component of the Research Training Program Plan. If you have further questions contact