
Please review new SF242 Forms I and Parent T32 NOFO requirements (PA-25-168).
Plan for Instruction in Methods for Enhancing Reproducibility diagram

Required for training grants, this document should address how trainees will be instructed at multiple stages of their development, in various formats, and in the context of trainees’ research projects, including:

  • Evaluation of the rigor of prior research
  • Rigorous experimental design and data interpretation
  • Consideration of relevant biological variables such as sex
  • Authentication of key biological and/or chemical resources
  • Transparency in reporting
  • How program faculty will reiterate and augment key elements of this plan within their trainee’s research projects
  • Renewals: Describe any changes, and plans to address weaknesses, in instruction over the past project period

Request a Template: GSU has standard boilerplate templates available that can be customized for your project. Contact

Page Limit: 3 pages maximum

Component Instruction Index

Access detailed instructions for each component of the Research Training Program Plan. If you have further questions contact